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We are not selling books.  These are just some of the books that explain the health benefits of eating more fruits, vegetables and other whole foods.

Chew On This: Bite-Sized Stories about Nutrition

Brooke Bussard M.D. 

Dr. Bussard guides the reader with medical knowledge and nutritional facts that both amaze and enlighten. She specializes in healthy eating, and she's written this "not-your-typical" book on nutrition to help others break free from common misconceptions.

The Plant-Based Athlete: A Game-Changing Approach to Peak Performance

Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke

Achieve endurance, flexibility, sport, training, or lifting goals with a plant-based diet. Features more than 60 recipes, insights, and meal plans from famous athletes who use plants to power their workouts and everyday life.

How Not to Diet

Michael Gregor, M.D.

Protein is not the answer. In fact, it’s the problem. In Proteinaholic, Dr. Garth Davis sets the record straight, dispelling the myths that have been perpetuated by doctors, weight loss experts, and the media.


Garth Davis, M.D.

Protein is not the answer. In fact, it’s the problem. In Proteinaholic, Dr. Garth Davis sets the record straight, dispelling the myths that have been perpetuated by doctors, weight loss experts, and the media.

The Healthiest Diet on the Planet

John McDougall, M.D.

The bestselling author, internationally celebrated physician, and expert on nutrition offers an appealing, approachable health solution—eat the foods you love to lose weight and get healthy.

The China Study

Dr. T. Colin Campbell

In The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Professor Emeritus at Cornell University, details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Recognized as the most comprehensive nutritional study ever conducted on the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease, The China Study cuts through the haze of misinformation and examines the source of nutritional confusion produced by government entities, lobbies, and opportunistic scientists.

Building Bone Vitality

Dr. Amy Lanou from Asheville

Doctors have been telling us to drink milk, eat dairy products, and take calcium pills to improve our bone vitality for years. The problem is, they’re wrong. This groundbreaking guide uses the latest clinical studies and the most up-to-date medical information to help you strengthen your bones, reduce the risk of fractures, and prevent osteoporosis.

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